Lu-Shan Blunt Dozen Arrow Kit


SKU: LUARK Category: Tags: , , , , ,


Kit containing everything required to build one dozen ARROWS with Lu-Shan UHMW Blunts. Select one color tape for the shafts and one color tape for the blunts. APDs (Anti-Penetration Devices) are included.

Additional information

Weight 3.6000 lbs
Blunt Tape Color

Gray, Pink, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple, Black, White, Brown

Shaft Tape Color

Red, Orange, Yellow, Light Green, Medium Green, Dark Green, Light Blue, Medium Blue, Dark Blue, Purple, Brown, Black, White, Gray, Strapping Tape – Fiber reinforced strapping tape instead of colored electrical tape

Arrow Kit APD Type

Left-handed APDs, Right-handed APDs