Lu-Shan Blunt Dozen Completed Bolts


Shaft Label

Provide your name and Kingdom, if desired, which will be printed on labels and affixed to the shaft of each missile.

SKU: LUCXB Category: Tags: , , ,


One dozen completed BOLTS with Lu-Shan UHMW Blunts. Select one color tape for the shafts and one color tape for the blunts. All preassembled bolts are supplied with Solid Nock APDs. Due to the labor-intensive nature of this item, there are no volume discounts on completed Lu-Shan missiles.

Additional information

Weight 3.0000 lbs
Blunt Tape Color

Gray, Pink, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple, Black, White, Brown

Shaft Tape Color

Red, Orange, Yellow, Light Green, Medium Green, Dark Green, Light Blue, Medium Blue, Dark Blue, Purple, Brown, Black, White, Gray, Strapping Tape – Fiber reinforced strapping tape instead of colored electrical tape